The Royal Observer Corps

In Badwell Ash and Long Thurlow Charles Castell from the Beeches in Long Thurlow was a member of The Royal Observer Corps.

The Royal Observer was part of the Civil Defence which worked closely with Fighter Command.  Their role was to provide information on the number, course and height of hostile aircraft.  This information would then be sent to Fighter Command to help them direct the fighters in order to intercept the enemy aircraft

Observer Posts were formed into Groups with between eight and sixteen Observers at each post working in three shifts, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, it only required two observers to be on duty at any one time to carry out the work of the Post. Posts worked in groups of three so they could triangulate their sightings more accurately for Fighter Command Each.

Royal Observer Corps WW2 Observation Post
Royal Observer Corps WW2 Observation Post

Observers had to be aware of all types of aircraft, both friendly and hostile which they learnt from silhouettes of each and every type of aeroplane flying at that time.  Details of new aircraft would be sent to each Observer Corps Group from the Air Ministry so no mistakes were made in identification.

Posts in this part of Suffolk came under the command of No 14 Group, ROC Control Centre, Old Guild Hall, Bury St Edmonds.  The nearest posts to Badwell Ash were Stanton, Bacton and Beyton.

Royal Observer Corps Posts around Badwell Ash
Royal Observer Corps Posts around Badwell Ash
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